Employ Milwaukee’s Business Services team works closely with employers across sectors to understand their needs and provide tailored talent solutions. One such offering is our On-the-Job-Training (OJT) solution, which is a work-based training model that is considered one of the most effective ways to train new employees.

Alex Miller | WRTP

The OJT program is especially helpful to businesses that find a new hire candidate who would be a great fit with the company culture and demonstrates potential for long-term employment but may lack technical skills. OJT is a great method for teaching technical skills while helping to offset the employer’s cost associated with any loss of productive time while training a new hire.We were thrilled to hear from employer partner and mechanical contractor P.L. Freeman Co. share kudos about two success stories of construction workers whom we and construction sector partners referred to him as OJT candidates.

“I just wanted to say thanks to all of you for your assistance with the hiring of Alex Miller and Daniel Gonzalez, said Prentice L. Freeman, Jr., P.L. Freeman Co. President. “They have proven to be assets to our firm and I feel represent what Employ Milwaukee and the BIG STEP program are all about.”

Mr. Gonzalez has also been working with P.L. Freeman Co. for the past eight months. He was enrolled into the Sheet Metal Apprenticeship program a few months ago and has already passed the entrance exam before he was even hired by the company.

“My experience working with P.L. Freeman company has been good because they gave me the opportunity to start without much experience,” Gonzalez said. “So I feel that everyday I can learn something new and my goal in the future is to become a foreman working with P.L. Freeman Co.”

Mr. Gonzalez is currently attending Day School and embarking on his path to becoming a Sheet Metal Journeyman in a few years.

To learn more about Employ Milwaukee’s Business Services and Solutions division, please visit: www.employmilwaukee.org.

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