On Friday, April 26, WRTP | BIG STEP was honored to welcome some of Senator Tammy Baldwin’s staff! The delegation visited one of our Southeastern Highway Construction Skills Training (HCST) classes to learn more about our programs and how participants are building successful careers in the construction industry.

Lindsay Blumer, CEO, and Toni White, COO, kicked things off with introductions. John Anderson, SE Region Director, then provided an overview of WRTP | BIG STEP’s programming before leading our guests on a tour to learn about the HCST program.

Current HCST students and graduates shared their experiences and discussed the valuable skills they’re gaining. HCST graduate Jeffrey Williams, now a concrete QC field engineer at Intertek Construction, led a demonstration on concrete sampling, and instructor Steve Whitmoyer showcased surveying.

The visit fostered many engaging conversations, and Senator Baldwin’s staff left with a deeper understanding and excitement about our apprenticeship readiness programs.

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